Publishing research results must be an integral part of any research project. Our team is very aware of the importance of communicating our work and progress with a large community of scholars. For those reasons, since the project began in 2014, members of our team have given lectures in Spain, France, Italy, Canada, and US while publishing articles in national and international journals.
Author and publisher
Alejandro G. Sinner, Victor Revilla Calvo (eds). 2022. Religious Dynamics in a Microcontinent: Cult Places, Identities, and Cultural Change in Hispania. Archaeology of the Mediterranean World, vol. 1. Turnhout: Brepols; 978-2-503-59545-0.
Available from Brepols Publishers.
The Roman conquest of the Iberian peninsula, a land already inhabited by peoples who were characterized by cultural, ethnic, and social diversity, was one of the longest and most complex colonial processes to have occurred in the Roman world. Different political entities saw integration and interaction taking place at different speeds and via different mechanisms, and these differences had a profound impact on the development of religious dynamics and cultural change across the peninsula.
This edited volume draws together contributions from a number of experts in the field in order to deepen our understanding of religious phenomena in Hispania — in particular cult, rituals, mechanisms, and spaces — and in doing so, to offer new insights into processes of cultural and social change, and the impact of conquest and colonialism. The chapters gathered here identify how forms of religious interaction occurred at different levels and scales, and explore the ways in which religion and religious practices underpinned the construction, development, and renegotiation of different identities. Through this approach they shed important light on the crucial role of cultic practices in defining cultural and social identity as Iberia’s provincial communities were drawn into the Roman world.
Author and publisher
Alejandro G. Sinner (2017). La ceca de Ilduro, Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 29. Oxford; 9781784917234.
The minting of coinage in a territory without previous monetary history or tradition reflects a series of political, social and cultural changes that took place in order to make it possible. Such changes can be traced in the archaeological record thanks to elements apparently as different as coins, ceramics, epigraphy, funerary rites or architecture; these changes thus emerge as some of the most significant points in the colonization process that took place throughout the second century B.C. and at the beginning of the next century in the valley of Cabrera de Mar (ancient Ilduro) and the Laietani territory.
This book is exclusively devoted to the mint of Ilduro, its main goal being to study not only the issues produced by the workshop in detail, but also the role that this coinage had in the monetarization of a changing society, that of the Laietani, which had never previously needed to use coinage. To do so, the author of this study endeavours to answer the following questions in as much depth as possible: Who minted the coins? Why? What for? How? Where? When? How many? In addition to increasing our knowledge of Iberian numismatics, brings us closer to the evolution and production of the coin issues minted in present-day northeastern Spain in general and to the Ilduro workshop in particular.
Articles and book chapters
Conferences and lectures
- Sinner, A.G. Daily Practice on the Edge of Empire: Recent Excavations at Roman Ilduro (Spain). In The Archaeological Institute of America, Vancouver Society, (5 April, 2022).
- Valenzuela, S., Nieto-Espinet, A., Sinner, A.G. Language and diet change during the Iron Age-Roman transition NE Iberia: an integrated study of Cabrera valley (Catalonia, Spain). In 28th EAA Annual Meeting Budapest, Hungary (27 August, 2022).
- Nieto, A., Valenzuela-Lamas, S., García, J., Sinner, A. G. and Revilla, V. De l’oppidum a la vil· la: canvis en la ramaderia i l’alimentació al Maresme entre els segles III a.n.e i V d.n.e. In V Reunió Oikos de Bioarqueologia, ACBA i UAB, Bellaterra (May 24-25, 2019).
- Revilla, V. and Sinner, A. G. Luoghi di culto rurali nella Hispania Citerior: il caso del santuario romano di Can Modolell (Barcellona). In Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze storiche e archeologiche. Memoria, civiltà e patrimonio DiSCi, Università di Bologna (November 21, 2019).
- Sinner, A. G. and Revilla, V. Rural Religion, Cultural Identities and Settlement: The Can Modolell Project. In AIA <cite>Annual Meetingcite>, San Diego (January 3-6, 2019).
- Sinner, A. G. and Revilla, V. "Rural Religion, Cultural Identities and Settlement: The Can Modolell Project" In AIA Annual Meeting, San Diego (January 3-9, 2019).
- Sinner, A. G. "Beyond foundations: social complexity, transformations and diversity in NE Spain during the Late Republic." Classical Association of Vancouver Island (CAVI), University of Victoria (March 8, 2018).
- Sinner, A. G. "Digging Households, Understanding People: Cultural Practices and Cultural Change in NE Spain". Research Seminar, University of Victoria, Victoria (January 21, 2016).
- Sinner, A. G., A. Grewal, D. Jankulovski and K. McCullough. "Studying households and tracing cultural practices in NE Spain (2nd and early 1st c. B.C.E.)." In AIA Annual Meeting, San Francisco (January 6-9, 2016). AIA BEST POSTER AWARD 2016
- Sinner, A. G. "Iberian or Roman? Deconstructing ethnic identities in Hispania Citerior in the second and first centuries BCE". In Recent Research on Roman Spain, York University, Toronto (October 3, 2015).
Other Relevant Publications About Ilduro
- Martín, A. (2017) " El darrer decenni d’intervencions arqueològiques a Ilturo (Cabrera de Mar, Maresme). Novetats i estat actual de la recerca." Tribuna d'Arqueologia 2014-2015, (Barcelona 2017), 304-329.
- Martín, A. and García, J. “La vall de Cabrera de Mar. Focus inicials de la producció vitivinícola de la Laietània,” Pottery workshops and agricultural productions. Studies on the rural world in the Roman period 2 (Gerona 2007) 70.
- Zamora, D. "L'oppidum de Burriac. Centre del poder polític de la Laietània ibérica," Laietania 17 (2006-2007) 1-417.
- García, J., Martín, A., and Cela, X. “ Nuevas aportaciones sobre la romanización en el territorio de Iluro (Hispania Tarraconensis),” Empúries 52 (2000) 29-54.
Other Relevant Publications about Can Modollel
- Bonamusa, J. et al El jaciment romano-medieval de Can Modolell. Dos mil anys d’història. Deu anys d’excavacions. Cabrera de Mar. El Maresme (1974-1984), Mataró, 1985.
- Bonamusa, J. et al. “El jaciment de Can Modolell (Cabrera de Mar, El Maresme) com a nucli de romanització”, in M. Mayer, J. Mª. Nolla, and J. Pardo (edd.), De les estructures indígenes a l’organització provincial romana de la Hispània Citerior, Barcelona, 1998, 125-136.
- Clariana, J.F. and R. Járrega 1990. “Aportación al conocimiento de unas estructuras arquitectónicas tardorromanas del yacimiento arqueológico de Can Modolell (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona)”, ArchEspArq 63, 330-344.
- Mayer, M. 2012: “Tabulae ansatae votivas en santuarios. Algunas reflexiones a propósito de las halladas en el posible mitreo de Can Modolell en Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona)”, in G. Baratta, S. M. Marengo (edd.), Inscriptiones Inscriptae III, Manufatti iscritti evita dei santuari in età romana, Macerata, 223-245.
- Revilla, V. “Santuarios, élites y comunidades cívicas: consideraciones sobre la religión rural en el conventus Tarraconensis", in F. Marco, F. Pina and J. Remesal (edd.), Religión y propaganda política en el mundo romano (Barcelona, 2002) 189-226.
- Pla, C. and Revilla, v. “El santuario romano de Can Modolell (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona). Nuevas aportaciones para su interpretación”, Empúries 53 [2002] 211-239.
Other Relevant Publications on Settlement and Territory
- Busquets, F., Moreno, A., and Revilla, V. “Hábitat, sistemas agrarios y organización del territorio en el litoral central de la laietània”, in J.-L. Fiches, R. Plana, and V. Revilla (eds.), Paisajes ruraux et territoires dans les cités de l’Occident Romain. Gallia et Hispania, Montpellier, 2013, 239-249.
- Plana, R. and Revilla, V. “Les formes de l’habitat rural et les rythmes de l’occupation des campagnes ibériques et romaines dans la zone centrale et septentrionale de la côte catalane”, in Ph. Leveauu, C. Raynaud, R. Sablayrolles, and F. Trément (eds.), Les formes de l’habitat gallo-romain. Terminologies et typologies à l’épreuve des réalités archéologiques. Colloque AGER VIII (Toulouse, 2007), Toulouse, 2009, 333-346.
- Revilla, V. “Hábitat rural y territorio en el litoral oriental de Hispania Citerior: perspectivas de análisis”, J. M. Noguera (dir), El poblamiento rural romano en el sureste de Hispania. 15 años después, Murcia, 2010, 20-75.
- Revilla, V. and Cela, X. “La transformación material e ideológica de una ciudad de Hispania: Iluro (Mataró) entre los siglos I y VII d.C.”, Archivo Español de Arqueología 79 [2006] 89-114.
- Revilla, V. “La villa y la organización del espacio rural en el litoral central de Cataluña: implantación y evolución de un sistema de poblamiento”, in V. Revilla, J.-R. González, and M. Prevosti (eds.), Actes del Simposi Les vil·les romanes a la Tarraconense. Implantació, evolució i transformació. Estat actual de la investigació del món rural en època romana (Lleida, 28-30 de novembre de 2007), Barcelona, 2008, 99-123.